Since 1961, American knowledge of India has been shaped by the American Institute of Indian Studies.

The American Institute of Indian Studies (AIIS) was formed to further the knowledge of India in the United States by supporting American scholarship on India. The programs of AIIS promote and advance mutual understanding between the citizens of the U.S. and of India.

FCRA Financial Statements :

In order to comply with the Government of India’s Foreign Currency Regulation Act ( FCRA),......



The AIIS Language Programs are dedicated to serving the needs of language learners from American Universities. The programs, located in India, have as their goal to provide a teaching and learning environment of professionalism, excellence and integrity and that operates in a joyful and hospitable manner.

While the teachers offer collective and individualized help in accelerating the communicative competence of their students, each program strives for a collaborative environment in which learners take charge of their own learning by keeping track of their language development and language learning needs.

Students are expected to reach out for their instructors help and to respectfully engage with the local host community for understanding the subtleties of cultural and linguistic variation.